Friday, April 8, 2011

Love as Innovation and Cultural Medicine

        I am moved by the Spirit to accomplish great and many works. Aren't you? What is our country but a place born of passion and devotion to ideals and mandates that are driven by the very core of our humanity. The experiences that give us pause to contemplate the depths of our souls must be a frequent occurrence if we are to awaken to a reality of love. It is becoming more and more simple and attractive a concept to me as the world seems to be getting more complex. Love may just be the true underpinning of our cultural fabric.

If by our nature we are inherent in our goodness than by no lesser measure are we compelled to such ends as the quest for a higher devotion to and immersion in these principals; Love, Liberty, Truth(truth), and Invention.

They call my generation the "Millennial". A birth into an age where we knew not of a life void of computation and mechanization. A world where we could not imagine a life without computers guiding the navigation of our society. We watched cartoons of advanced alien civilizations and highly accelerated technologies that provided magical answers to life's seeming limits. The way we dreamed of a future of miracle cures and the answers to our greatest cultural challenges became just a matter of time.

Author and physicist Michio Kaku, along with his team of scientists, has delivered us mathematical equations that give us a tangible projection into the advancement of technology and human development. We now have the future with all its uncertainties at least relatively quantifiable in regard to our progress as a technological species. A.I., Super Computers, space flights, alternative energy technologies, medicine, all presented in equation. What a world to live in.

Of course the variable are many but those too are accounted for. Yet what dose it all mean if we don't know how to talk to each other, or get along, or disagree with respect? Is there an equation for this too? I guess its like growing up. there are those who argue we have technologies beyond our maturity as a species and we are in a dangerous place with our abilities. But is this not the nature of growth? We are handed responsibilities seemingly out of our current development and we adapt and grow to meet the challenges and character asked of us. It simply doesn't work the other way around.

I feel we are at a critical point for sure, but its one that is ripe and brimmed with potentiality. It is not our technologies that are harming us or even our essential lifestyles. But it may be our inspiration. The question becomes than what inspires us? Is it life affirming? Is it truthful? Is it just? Does it cause more freedom? If we invent, produce, and develop from this place our technology has focus, direction, and a purpose that serves the human spirit and the qualities of our Existence in Harmony and Relationship. If our Love becomes a Medicine in every motion and desire is rooted naturally in life and the Heart there is no way we can fail in our most ardent aspirations for we know we are an expression of Truth.

Can we build a world based on Values of this nature? I don't know about you guys but I think we already are. Where once it may have been second nature our heart pulsates as the First Nature, the one effulgent source of Divine Love; The Human Spirit.

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