Monday, November 28, 2011

No Bargin for Old Men

The chant of the 99% is simply saying "we are the 99%". Thanks to the efforts of the occupiers the most important issue in American politics is economic inequality. What is it that has driven our economy to this simple catastrophe? Corporate greed. Taking a page from history; the great crash of 1929 was part and parcel to the accumulation of record profits by large corporate interests. This eventually led to the great depression. The means by this is very simple. The erosion of worker pay has declined so steeply that people cant afford to buy like they used to. The value of the worker was diminished and the people of America got sold out.
          In our current times the bubble burst but a double whammy hit us this time. Housing and job sectors of the economy crashed. Investments and financing took a dive and the stock market crashed. Ultimately the people who loose out are the working class. The wealthy get more rich just as they did in the 20s. It keeps going on and the wealthy refuse to budge because they simply don't have to. The political gridlock in Washington seems to have the roots in this fact.
     The article delves into the idea of restoring this pact with America. That we are a nation of families and people come first. The author gives the example of Henry Ford when he gave his workers $5 a day which the Wall Street Journal called at the time an "economic crime". He knew his workers would now become customers for his model T. The economy is for the people. Its that simple.
         The simplicity has been eye opening for me. The greed of capitalism could perhaps have been slowed by temperance but its not a quality as we know it of a capitalist system. This then is a good case for rethinking the American Economy. Rebuild infrastructure and put the America back to work.
     While the rhetoric may seem like a rally cry from the left, the author is just making a simple point about economics and history. Not once were Republican or Democrat mentioned. The author took aim at politicians with collective failures.

Global Economic Swat Teams

The Syrian regime has recently been hit with a group of sanctions that will as its crafters hope begin to turn the business elite against the regime. The sanctions are not designed to effect the people of Syria in their access to basic needs but they do limit the mobility of general Assad's government and its broader economic activity in regard to luxury items and foreign investment. Economic sanctions are the usual first step in international actions against a country who is seen to be in violation of international law. The recent bloody crack down of Syrian protesters calling for government reform has left 4500 dead and many more wounded.
      The Syrian government calls the measures a declaration of "economic war". When looking to our need to reassess the monetary system and its functions it is interesting to see the way foreign policy of our country is exercised through economic avenues. In a rare veto Russia and China have opposed sanctions in the past for Syria as they are close trading partners. Also, Iraq and Lebanon are also expected to disregard the sanctions as their economies are so closely linked. It seems interesting to me in regard to foreign policy that the economy takes center stage but the curtains are drawn. With the direct violation of human rights and gross abuses of power it would seem any thinking person would condemn such atrocities. I suppose its how these folks get away with this stuff in the first place.
       The information is presented with multiple views from various countries and a bit of history about the nature of the Arab League as it has never placed sanction against a member state before. I would have liked to have seen more divers opinions about the sanction like what the people of Syria say in particular. But I guess that is what we are all waiting for. The people to speak.

Freedom Has Boundries

Myanmar is a country of great interest this week as secretary of State Clinton embarks on what could be an uncertain engagement with a volatile "democracy". In quotations democracy is kept because the very foundations of the country is in question not just due to its military rulers but the very nature of laws passed to "protect" the citizens that actually cripple, weaken, or outright ignore the democratic process of freedom of speech and assembly. I would say the country is in more of an exploratory phase of democracy, or shallow democracy in order to participate on the world financial stage. The jailing of opposition leaders like aung Suu Kyi is a telling example of the limit that the people have in myanmar to speak out.
    The article here describes the implementation of law to directly stifle protest and the ability of peaceful assembly by citizens. The picture drawn by the author who was in the protests broken up by police forces has a direct interest of seeing the tides of democracy come to his country. These laws are a direct violation of Myanmars own constitution and international norms of democracy. To make illegal the images of political parties and give the police free unregulated reign over protesters is not what democracy looks like. This is an issue the international community must address as this deals directly with human rights, peace, and security issues. Though there has been some progress in this direction many more steps should be taken to ensure a freer Myanmar.
     This article gave me a look into the nature of the conflict in Myanmar that I was less aware of. I am not even sure what to call the country: Myanmar or Burma. I still need some more research on this whole topic. The information was presented in a well researched and fact based nature. The author is a law degree so the content is very much a product of this lens the author holds.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sanitizing the Movement

This is a late night belligerent article of protest to the eviction of Occipy Wall st protesters from Zuccotti Park. Around midnight on the 15th NYPD forces moved in to "clean out" the now infamous Zuccotti Park in an effort to improve "sanitation". Tents, generators, sleeping gear, were removed by police and disposed of in truck bed dumpsters brought in to remove the regalia. Protesters were tear gassed, beaten, and arrested to clear the park. Women, children, college student, elderly, the unemployed all evicted from their home of hope and change.

This is a serious representation of the actions taken against a peaceful people demonstrating their basic freedoms. 1st amendment rights to peaceful protest. Peace and Human Security is of direct concern in this article. Instead of the author hi-lighting the actions of the movement he seems to be venting his frustration more than anything. With good cause I would add. The article is writen from the writers perspectives following twitter and the news. So the sources were varied but the angle of the article was very personal and perhaps lacked multiple views of the eviction.

The ideals that our country is founded on have seemed to have been lost to such a degree that our institutions no longer can serve the needs of the majority of the population. Instead of removing the OWLS(occupy wall st protesters) they should be insuring their safety and protecting and defending their freedoms. Perhaps this is the most direct testament to the nature of what the protesters are up against.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Love as Innovation and Cultural Medicine

        I am moved by the Spirit to accomplish great and many works. Aren't you? What is our country but a place born of passion and devotion to ideals and mandates that are driven by the very core of our humanity. The experiences that give us pause to contemplate the depths of our souls must be a frequent occurrence if we are to awaken to a reality of love. It is becoming more and more simple and attractive a concept to me as the world seems to be getting more complex. Love may just be the true underpinning of our cultural fabric.

If by our nature we are inherent in our goodness than by no lesser measure are we compelled to such ends as the quest for a higher devotion to and immersion in these principals; Love, Liberty, Truth(truth), and Invention.

They call my generation the "Millennial". A birth into an age where we knew not of a life void of computation and mechanization. A world where we could not imagine a life without computers guiding the navigation of our society. We watched cartoons of advanced alien civilizations and highly accelerated technologies that provided magical answers to life's seeming limits. The way we dreamed of a future of miracle cures and the answers to our greatest cultural challenges became just a matter of time.

Author and physicist Michio Kaku, along with his team of scientists, has delivered us mathematical equations that give us a tangible projection into the advancement of technology and human development. We now have the future with all its uncertainties at least relatively quantifiable in regard to our progress as a technological species. A.I., Super Computers, space flights, alternative energy technologies, medicine, all presented in equation. What a world to live in.

Of course the variable are many but those too are accounted for. Yet what dose it all mean if we don't know how to talk to each other, or get along, or disagree with respect? Is there an equation for this too? I guess its like growing up. there are those who argue we have technologies beyond our maturity as a species and we are in a dangerous place with our abilities. But is this not the nature of growth? We are handed responsibilities seemingly out of our current development and we adapt and grow to meet the challenges and character asked of us. It simply doesn't work the other way around.

I feel we are at a critical point for sure, but its one that is ripe and brimmed with potentiality. It is not our technologies that are harming us or even our essential lifestyles. But it may be our inspiration. The question becomes than what inspires us? Is it life affirming? Is it truthful? Is it just? Does it cause more freedom? If we invent, produce, and develop from this place our technology has focus, direction, and a purpose that serves the human spirit and the qualities of our Existence in Harmony and Relationship. If our Love becomes a Medicine in every motion and desire is rooted naturally in life and the Heart there is no way we can fail in our most ardent aspirations for we know we are an expression of Truth.

Can we build a world based on Values of this nature? I don't know about you guys but I think we already are. Where once it may have been second nature our heart pulsates as the First Nature, the one effulgent source of Divine Love; The Human Spirit.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Word as the Transformation of Consciousness

         Upon visiting the martin Luther King Jr. National monument i was struck by my own fear to speak powerfully about the things i cherish and believe in most. But most potent was the power of this mans words and the history they made. It is almost incomprehensible to me that just a few short years ago our country was institutionally separating the natural phenomenon of genetic diversity through racial lines. And like a sword this man stood up with a tremble that roared into a thunder to transform the way we perceive each other. MLK shifted our attention to a different way of looking at the world and each other. Listening to the force behind his words gives me chills. I can feel his spirit transmitting healing and Divine correction to my erroneous beliefs of division. This is a powerful medicine.

And yet I feel as though i must be in a dream. While I see that there are still battles to fight in our desire for an even more perfect union, I can't help but feel like we have not even scratched the surface of the notion of brotherly and sisterly Love. The familial bond that holds our survival in its hand. What a gift this experience of being on the Earth. That we can live a life of meaning and that meaning can be so richly savored with a joyful embrace. Brother King's spirit shook mountains in my Heart and opened a canyon of warmth that filled my very core as an individual.

And in entering the national site dedicated to this work a statue of Mahatmas Gandhi standing 6 feet tall robe and staff alludes to a mandate yet unfulfilled. The work continues, but a vision is more clear. And perhaps more importantly the Doctor has given me a new bill of health. A reason to live.

We needed the remedies to our sickness to see the Life Possible. A dream is not a thing that just fades and it is always giving way to an even fuller experience of Spirit. It doesn't end with everyone playing together. There is more yet to Peace that we just don't understand. We can more forward once we realize that perfection is not attainable. There is no arrival or savior save the medicine of our action and deed.

Its not about all of us agreeing to the same things. We will be arguing as long as we have breath. But what we argue about changes. There are some things that must not be on the table. Freedom, liberty, equality, these are the  foundations of human experience. It is from these pillars we can even begin to dream of a better world.

It starts with the word. Emanating boldly from the very essence of our Truth, our Freedom. The power to shake us loose of our contracted views and holding. The way society may have told us to live our life. The unconscious beliefs we hold about each other and our selves. All will be undone with the power of speech. A freedom we are just beginning to wield for the Heart of our Creations.
