Monday, April 4, 2011

Word as the Transformation of Consciousness

         Upon visiting the martin Luther King Jr. National monument i was struck by my own fear to speak powerfully about the things i cherish and believe in most. But most potent was the power of this mans words and the history they made. It is almost incomprehensible to me that just a few short years ago our country was institutionally separating the natural phenomenon of genetic diversity through racial lines. And like a sword this man stood up with a tremble that roared into a thunder to transform the way we perceive each other. MLK shifted our attention to a different way of looking at the world and each other. Listening to the force behind his words gives me chills. I can feel his spirit transmitting healing and Divine correction to my erroneous beliefs of division. This is a powerful medicine.

And yet I feel as though i must be in a dream. While I see that there are still battles to fight in our desire for an even more perfect union, I can't help but feel like we have not even scratched the surface of the notion of brotherly and sisterly Love. The familial bond that holds our survival in its hand. What a gift this experience of being on the Earth. That we can live a life of meaning and that meaning can be so richly savored with a joyful embrace. Brother King's spirit shook mountains in my Heart and opened a canyon of warmth that filled my very core as an individual.

And in entering the national site dedicated to this work a statue of Mahatmas Gandhi standing 6 feet tall robe and staff alludes to a mandate yet unfulfilled. The work continues, but a vision is more clear. And perhaps more importantly the Doctor has given me a new bill of health. A reason to live.

We needed the remedies to our sickness to see the Life Possible. A dream is not a thing that just fades and it is always giving way to an even fuller experience of Spirit. It doesn't end with everyone playing together. There is more yet to Peace that we just don't understand. We can more forward once we realize that perfection is not attainable. There is no arrival or savior save the medicine of our action and deed.

Its not about all of us agreeing to the same things. We will be arguing as long as we have breath. But what we argue about changes. There are some things that must not be on the table. Freedom, liberty, equality, these are the  foundations of human experience. It is from these pillars we can even begin to dream of a better world.

It starts with the word. Emanating boldly from the very essence of our Truth, our Freedom. The power to shake us loose of our contracted views and holding. The way society may have told us to live our life. The unconscious beliefs we hold about each other and our selves. All will be undone with the power of speech. A freedom we are just beginning to wield for the Heart of our Creations.


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