Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sanitizing the Movement

This is a late night belligerent article of protest to the eviction of Occipy Wall st protesters from Zuccotti Park. Around midnight on the 15th NYPD forces moved in to "clean out" the now infamous Zuccotti Park in an effort to improve "sanitation". Tents, generators, sleeping gear, were removed by police and disposed of in truck bed dumpsters brought in to remove the regalia. Protesters were tear gassed, beaten, and arrested to clear the park. Women, children, college student, elderly, the unemployed all evicted from their home of hope and change.

This is a serious representation of the actions taken against a peaceful people demonstrating their basic freedoms. 1st amendment rights to peaceful protest. Peace and Human Security is of direct concern in this article. Instead of the author hi-lighting the actions of the movement he seems to be venting his frustration more than anything. With good cause I would add. The article is writen from the writers perspectives following twitter and the news. So the sources were varied but the angle of the article was very personal and perhaps lacked multiple views of the eviction.

The ideals that our country is founded on have seemed to have been lost to such a degree that our institutions no longer can serve the needs of the majority of the population. Instead of removing the OWLS(occupy wall st protesters) they should be insuring their safety and protecting and defending their freedoms. Perhaps this is the most direct testament to the nature of what the protesters are up against.

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